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78 results
  • Dissection of the trunk showing lymphatic and blood vessels. Coloured lithograph by William Fairland, 1837, after W. Bagg after W.J.E. Wilson.
  • Glands, blood vessels, and lymphatic vessels of the head and neck. Coloured lithograph by William Fairland, 1837, after W. Bagg after W.J.E. Wilson.
  • Veins and lymphatic vessels of the arm: anterior and posterior views. Coloured lithograph by William Fairland, 1837, after J. Walsh after W.J.E. Wilson.
  • Organs of the torso seen from the front: portion of torso dissected to reveal internal organs, arteries and lymphatic system in various colours. Coloured line engraving by H. Mutlow, 1808.
  • Four heads of men who each exhibit one of the four temperaments: (clockwise from top left) lymphatic, sanguine, bilious, and nervous. Engraving by W. Johnson and A.K. Johnson, early 19th century.
  • Four heads of men who each exhibit one of the four temperaments: (clockwise from top left) lymphatic, sanguine, bilious, and nervous. Engraving by W. Johnson and A.K. Johnson, early 19th century.
  • Cellular architecture of normal human skin imaged by whole mount tissue microscopy. Human skin has a rich network of white blood cells (specifically dendritic cells, T cells and macrophages) which form sheaths around blood vessels (string-like structures). A network of lymphatic vessels (ribbon-like structures) is also present. In this image, human skin lymphatic vessels (stained for LYVE-1; blue) and white blood cells comprised of dendritic cells (stained for CD11c; green) and T cells (stained for CD3; red) can be seen. Some macrophages also express the protein LYVE-1 similar to lymphatic vessel cells which can be appreciated as blue cells within and in between the sheaths of white blood cells. This normal cellular architecture is grossly disrupted in diseased skin (see related images). X10 magnification. Scale bar (white) represents 200 micrometres.
  • Experimental inquiries, part the second : containing a description of the lymphatic system in the human subject, and in other animals : illustrated with plates. Together with observations on the lymph, and the changes which it undergoes in some diseases / by William Hewson, F.R.S., and teacher of anatomy.
  • Experimental inquiries, part the second : containing a description of the lymphatic system in the human subject, and in other animals : illustrated with plates. Together with observations on the lymph, and the changes which it undergoes in some diseases / by William Hewson, F.R.S., and teacher of anatomy.
  • Cellular architecture of normal human skin imaged by whole mount tissue microscopy. Human skin has a rich network of white blood cells (specifically dendritic cells, T cells and macrophages) which form sheaths around blood vessels. In this image, blood vessels (string-like structures stained for CD31; red), lymphatic vessels (ribbon-like structures stained for LYVE-1; blue) and dendritic cells (stained for CD11c; green) can be seen. Macrophages (stained for LYVE-1; blue) are also present. This normal cellular architecture is grossly disrupted in diseased skin (see related images). X10 magnification. Scale bar (white) represents 200 micrometres.
  • Cellular architecture of normal human skin imaged by whole mount tissue microscopy. Human skin has a rich network of white blood cells (specifically dendritic cells, T cells and macrophages) which form sheaths around blood vessels. In this image, blood vessels (string-like structures stained for CD31; green), lymphatic vessels (ribbon-like structures stained for LYVE-1; blue) and T cells (stained for CD3; red) can be seen. T cells are only found around dermal blood vessels. Macrophages (stained for LYVE-1; blue) are also present. This normal cellular architecture is grossly disrupted in diseased skin (see related images). X10 magnification. Scale bar (white) represents 200 micrometres.
  • Cellular architecture of normal human skin imaged by whole mount tissue microscopy. Human skin has a rich network of white blood cells (specifically dendritic cells, T cells and macrophages) which form sheaths around blood vessels. This image was taken less than 20 micrometres beneath the junction that joins the dermal and epidermal layers of the skin (dermo-epidermal junction). At this level, dendritic cells (stained for CD11c; green) form clusters around and between blood capillary loops (stained for CD31; red). The blind-ended tips of initial lymphatic vessels are just visible (stained for LYVE-1; blue) at this level. This normal cellular architecture is grossly disrupted in diseased skin (see related images). Scale bar (white) represents 200 micrometres.
  • Rudbeckia triloba L. Asteraceae Orange Cone flower. Herbaceous perennial. Distribution: North America. It is named for Olof Rudbeck, father (1630–1702) and son (1660–1740). Olof Rudbeck the Elder was professor of medicine at Uppsala University, and established a botanic garden there. He was the discoverer of the human lymphatic system. His son succeeded his father as professor of medicine, and one of his students was Carl Linnaeus (1707–88) who named the genus Rudbeckia after him and his father. It is a plant which is poisonous to cattle, sheep and pigs with no medicinal uses. Austin (1974) discusses R. hirta, also regarded as a toxic plant. It was used externally by the Cherokee to bathe sores and snakebites and made into a tea for treating diarrhoea. The Seminoles used it for headaches and fever and the Miccosukee for sunstroke and headache. The Cherokee and the Iroquois used it to treat intestinal worms Photographed in the Medicinal Garden of the Royal College of Physicians, London.
  • Vasorum lymphaticorum corporis humani historia et ichnographia / [Paolo Mascagni].
  • Vasorum lymphaticorum corporis humani historia et ichnographia / [Paolo Mascagni].
  • Vasorum lymphaticorum corporis humani historia et ichnographia / [Paolo Mascagni].
  • A dissertation on the use of sea-water in the diseases of the glands. Particularly the scurvy, jaudice, king's-evil, leprosy, and the glandular consumption / Translated from the Latin ... by an eminent physician.
  • Internal surface of the appendix
  • Arterial, venous and absorbent systems: three figures showing the arteries and veins of the human body, with a dissected torso detailing the absorbents. Line engraving by Heath(?), after Walker(?), 1806.
  • Experimenta nova anatomica, quibus incognitum hactenus chyli receptaculum, et ab eo per thoracem in ramos usque subclavios vasa lactea deteguntur. Ejusdem dissertatio anatomica, de circulatione sanguinis, et chyli motu / [Jean Pecquet].
  • P. Mascagni, Vasorum lymphaticorum corporis
  • Ecorché figures showing the nerves: front and back views, with an eyeball. Coloured line engraving by J. Pass after W. Hewson, 1796.
  • Mesentery: Four figures of the lacteals, the aorta & mesenterica inferior, the urinary bladder and a demonstration of vision. Line engraving by Campbell, 1816/1821.
  • A pharmaceutical chemist demonstrating the effect of Pectoral San Andres on the lungs. Colour lithograph.
  • El linfatismo se manifiesta en mil formas distintas ... Ganglios Linfaticos Combinados LADA son la terapeutica especifica moderna para todos ellas : Los sulfas... son un descubrimiento maravilloso pero... tambien un toxico temible :  Lipoide Hepatico Lada le permetira usarlos a grandes dosis sin consecuencias / LADA, Laboratorios Aliados de América, S.A.
  • El linfatismo se manifiesta en mil formas distintas ... Ganglios Linfaticos Combinados LADA son la terapeutica especifica moderna para todos ellas : Los sulfas... son un descubrimiento maravilloso pero... tambien un toxico temible :  Lipoide Hepatico Lada le permetira usarlos a grandes dosis sin consecuencias / LADA, Laboratorios Aliados de América, S.A.
  • El linfatismo se manifiesta en mil formas distintas ... Ganglios Linfaticos Combinados LADA son la terapeutica especifica moderna para todos ellas : Los sulfas... son un descubrimiento maravilloso pero... tambien un toxico temible :  Lipoide Hepatico Lada le permetira usarlos a grandes dosis sin consecuencias / LADA, Laboratorios Aliados de América, S.A.
  • El linfatismo se manifiesta en mil formas distintas ... Ganglios Linfaticos Combinados LADA son la terapeutica especifica moderna para todos ellas : Los sulfas... son un descubrimiento maravilloso pero... tambien un toxico temible :  Lipoide Hepatico Lada le permetira usarlos a grandes dosis sin consecuencias / LADA, Laboratorios Aliados de América, S.A.
  • El estímulo que los Ganglios Linfaticos Combinados 'LADA' ejercen en le sistema ganglionar y endocrino es comparable a la energía que genera una dinamo / LADA, Laboratorios Aliados de América, S.A.
  • El estímulo que los Ganglios Linfaticos Combinados 'LADA' ejercen en le sistema ganglionar y endocrino es comparable a la energía que genera una dinamo / LADA, Laboratorios Aliados de América, S.A.